Rabi Karmacharya
Open Learning Exchange (OLE) Nepal
Executive Director
- olenepal.org/team/
Rachel Kleinfeld
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace │ Democracy, Conflict, and Governance program
Senior Fellow
Raffaella Ravinetto
Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp
Senior Researcher and Policy Advisor
- research.itg.be/en/persons/raffaella-ravinetto
Raphael Bossong
German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)
Senior Associate
- swp-berlin.org/wissenschaftler-detail/raphael-bossong/
Rasheed Draman
African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs
Executive Director
- acepa-africa.org
Richard J. Heydarian
Academic, author, policy adviser
- richardheydarian.ph
Richard R. Dion
Governance and Communications Consultant
Robert Schwarz
Bertelsmann Transformation Index
Senior Project Manager
Rolf J. Langhammer
Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Senior Fellow
Roma Rajpal Weiss
Freelance journalist