Abdullahi Murtala
- humanglemedia.com/author/murtala/
Alex Vatanka
Middle East Institute
Director Iran Program
- mei.edu/experts/alex-vatanka
Alexander Heinrich
University of Gothenburg
Master Student
Ali Fathollah-Nejad
Political Analyst
- fathollah-nejad.eu/
Ali Sökmen
Alison Singer
Michigan State University
PhD Candidate
Amal S. Obeidi
University of Benghazi
Associate Professor
Amine Ghali
Al Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center
- kawakibi.org/
Anaïs Marin
Independent Belarus Expert
Anas El Gomati
Sadeq Institute
Founder and Director
- sadeqinstitute.org/
Anietie Ewang
Human Rights Watch
Anna Gwiazda
King's College London
Anna Hengge
Heidelberg University
Anna Jordanova
Association of International Affairs (AMO), Prague
Associate Fellow
Annkatrin Christ
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Antonia Sohns
Aries A. Arugay
Institute for Strategic and Development Studies
Executive Director
Arysbell Arismendi
Aurel Croissant
University of Heidelberg
Professor of Political Science
- aurel.croissant@ipw.uni-heidelberg.de
- uni-heidelberg.de/politikwissenschaften/personal/croissant/index_en.html
Awol Kassim Allo
Keele University
Senior Lecturer
Behrouz Khosrozadeh
University of Göttingen
Political Scientist and Lecturer
Bert Hoffmann
Lead Researcher, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
and Professor of Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin
BTI Blog
Carolina Moehlecke
School of International Relations, Fundação Getulio Vargas
Adjunct Professor
- ri.fgv.br/en/team/carolina-moehlecke
Christian Achrainer
Independent Consultant, Analyst and Lecturer
- forskning.ruc.dk/en/persons/achrainer
Christian Hanelt
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Senior Expert
Christina Maags
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
- soas.ac.uk/staff/staff123867.php
Christina Tillmann
Future of Democracy Program, Bertelsmann Stiftung
Claire Elder
University of Oxford
Doctoral Candidate in Politics and International Relations
Claudia Härterich
Transformation Index BTI
Project Manager
- bti-project.org
Claudia Simons
German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)
Claudio Fuentes
Universidad Diego Portales
- ocialesehistoria.udp.cl/?persona=claudio-fuentes-saavedra
Cora Jungbluth
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Senior Expert
Corina Murafa
Energy & Climate Policy Expert
Craig Willy
Dalia Ghanem
Carnegie Middle East Center
Resident Scholar
- carnegie-mec.org/experts/904
Damin Jung
The Korea Times
Politics & Defense Reporter
Dandy Rafitrandi
Centre for Strategic and International Studies (Jakarta)
Dane Taleski
Centre for Southeast European Studies at the University of Graz
Visiting Fellow
- danetaleski.com
Daniel Kapellmann
Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst
Daniela Arregui Coka
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Junior Project Manager
Dariusz Kalan
David Brenner
University of Sussex
Associate Professor
David Kuehn
German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
Senior Research Fellow
Dragan Koprivica
Center for Democratic Transition
Executive Director
Eduardo Mello
Fundação Getulio Vargas
Assistant Professor of Politics and International Relations
- eduardo.mello@fgv.br
- ri.fgv.br/equipe/eduardo-mello
Elham Manea
University of Zuerich
Associate Professor
- elham-manea.com
Eromo Egbejule
Eva Seiwert
Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS), Freie Universität Berlin
Doctoral Candidate
Fabian Stroetges
Durham University
Doctoral Researcher
Falk Hartig
Goethe University Frankfurt
Postdoctoral Researcher and Journalist
Filip Reyntjens
Institute of Development Policy, University of Antwerp
Emeritus Professor of Law and Politics
- filipreyntjens.jimdofree.com/
Gabriel Salvia
Center for the Opening and the Development of Latin America (CADAL)
- cadal.org
Gabriella Balassa
Gianluca Grimalda
Institute for the World Economy Kiel
Senior Researcher
Giorgi Kldiashvili
Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI)
Founding Member and Executive Director
Hakan Ataman
Refugees in Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Turkey
Psychosocial Support Project Coordinator
Hakan Demir
MiGAZIN, Journal for Migration and Integration in Germany
Hameed Hakimi
Atlantic Council
Senior Fellow
- atlanticcouncil.org/expert/hameed-hakimi/
Hannah Kickert
Bertelsmann Stiftung and Sciences Po Paris
BTI Intern and MA Student
Hans-Joachim Spanger
Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)
Associate Fellow
Hauke Hartmann
Transformation Index BTI
Senior Expert
- hauke.hartmann@bertelsmann-stiftung.de
- bti-project.org
Héctor Briceño
Central University of Venezuela
- posmonicionpolitica.com
Hossam Sadek
University of Vienna
PhD Candidate
Iris Glosemeyer
Iryna Solonenko
European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder
Jake Benford
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Senior Project Manager
- globaleurope.eu/blogger/jake-benford/
Jamie Stark
Jan Claudius Völkel
Bertelsmann Transformation Index (BTI)
Regional Coordinator
Jan Hofmeyr
Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR)
Head of Policy and Research
Jennifer M. Piscopo
Royal Holloway University of London
Professor of Gender and Politics
Jens Poggenpohl
Freelance Journalist
- jenspoggenpohl.de
Jess Smee
Jil Kamerling
Heidelberg University
Jonathan Fisher
University of Birmingham
- birmingham.ac.uk/staff/profiles/gov/fisher-jonathan.aspx
Jos Boonstra
Head of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia Program
Julia Renner-Mugono
University of Münster
Julian Dierkes
Institute of Asian Research of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver
Associate Professor
Juliane Matthey
Reporters Without Borders
Press Officer
- reporter-ohne-grenzen.de
Justine Doody
Freelance Journalist and Editor
Karola Klatt
Konstantin Krome
Heidelberg University
Leonid Litra
New Europe Center Kyiv
Senior Research Fellow
Lloyd M. Sachikonye
Institute of Development Studies
- uz.ac.zw/index.php/2013-07-26-07-20-53/ids
Ludwig Schulz
German Orient Institute
Luis Felipe Morgado
Maja Bovcon
Verisk Maplecroft
Senior Analyst
Manuela Andreoni
Marco Bünte
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Marco Bünte
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- pol.phil.fau.de/person/marco-buente/
Mariana Llanos
University of Erfurt, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
- giga-hamburg.de/en/the-giga/team/llanos-mariana
Marina Vulović
German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)
Research Associate
- marina.vulovic@swp-berlin.de
- swp-berlin.org/wissenschaftler-in/marina-vulovic
Mark Turner
University of New South Wales
Visiting Professor
Markus Karbaum
Dr. Karbaum Consulting & Coaching
Managing Director
Martin Plaut
Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Journalist and Senior Research Fellow
- martinplaut.wordpress.com/
Marvin Jérôme Hanke
Marzia Raza
Heidelberg University
Doctoral Researcher
Mat Youkee
Michael Brüntrup
German Institute of Development and Sustainability
Senior Researcher
- idos-research.de/michael-bruentrup/
Michael Gahler
European Parliament
- europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/2341/MICHAEL_GAHLER_home.html
Mikayel Zolyan
Regional Studies Center, Yerevan
Political Analyst
Miriam Kosmehl
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Senior Expert
- globaleurope.eu/blogger/miriam-kosmehl-ll-m/
Mohamed Limam
University of Sousse
Political Scientist
Muhammad Salman
Heidelberg University
Guest Researcher
Nic Cheeseman
University of Birmingham
Professor of Democracy and International Development
- democracyinafrica.org/
Nick Ross
Australian National University
Researcher, PhD Student
- c.bellschool.anu.edu.au/experts-publications/experts/nick-ross
Nicole Beardsworth
Lecturer in Politics, University of the Witwatersrand
Honorary Research Fellow, University of Warwick
Noory Okthariza
Centre for Strategic and International Studies (Jakarta)
O’Brien Kaaba
Lecturer, University of Zambia
Senior Research Fellow, Southern African Institute for Policy and Research (SAIPAR)
Pablo Nemiña
Latin American Social Sciences Institute (FLACSO - Argentina)
Research Fellow
Patrick Ziegenhain
President University, Cikarang/Indonesia
Associate Professor
Paul Esber
El Colegio de México
Visiting Researcher
Pavel Havlíček
AMO Research Center
Research Fellow
- pavel.havlicek@amo.cz
- amo.cz/en/autor/pavel-havlicek-2/
Pavin Chachavalpongpun
Kyoto University
Associate Professor
- en.kyoto.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/about/staff-page/chachavalpongpun-pavin/
Peter Birle
Ibero-American Institute
Research Director
Peter Hille
Deutsche Welle
Peter Thiery
University of Heidelberg
Senior Research Fellow
Piotr Buras
European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)
Director, Warsaw Office
- ecfr.eu/profile/C236
Rabi Karmacharya
Open Learning Exchange (OLE) Nepal
Executive Director
- olenepal.org/team/
Rachel Kleinfeld
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace │ Democracy, Conflict, and Governance program
Senior Fellow
Raffaella Ravinetto
Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp
Senior Researcher and Policy Advisor
- research.itg.be/en/persons/raffaella-ravinetto
Raphael Bossong
German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)
Senior Associate
- swp-berlin.org/wissenschaftler-detail/raphael-bossong/
Rasheed Draman
African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs
Executive Director
- acepa-africa.org
Richard J. Heydarian
Academic, author, policy adviser
- richardheydarian.ph
Richard R. Dion
Governance and Communications Consultant
Robert Schwarz
Bertelsmann Transformation Index
Senior Project Manager
Rolf J. Langhammer
Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Senior Fellow
Roma Rajpal Weiss
Freelance journalist
Sabine Donner
Transformation Index BTI
Senior Expert
- sabine.donner@bertelsmann-stiftung.de
- bti-project.de
Sally Broughtom Micova
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Fellow in Media Governance and Policy
Sandra Weiss
- anweiss.wixsite.com/latamreporter
Sara Meyer
Freelance Journalist
Sean Carey
School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester
Honorary Senior Research Fellow
Sebastian Plate
Transformation Index BTI
Project Manager
Seda Gürkan
Leiden University
Assistant Professor
Serhat Ünaldi
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Project Manager
Shamil Shams
Sharinee L. Jagtiani
Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering, University of Potsdam
Postdoctoral Fellow
Slok Gyawali
Sophia Boddenberg
Freelance Journalist
- sophiaboddenberg.com
Stanley Azuakola
Civic Monitor
Executive Director
Stefan Ehlert
Stephan Giersdorf
University of Heidelberg
Research Fellow
Susanne Schultz
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Project Manager
Sylvia Croese
University of Cape Town
Research Fellow
Szabolcs Panyi
Direkt 36
Tamás Matura
Corvinus University Budapest
Associate Professor
Tamirace Fakhoury
Lebanese American University in Beirut
Assistant Professor
Tanja Eschenauer-Engler
Heidelberg University
Ted Piccone
World Justice Project (WJP)
Chief Engagement Officer
- "worldjusticeproject.org/"
Thieß Petersen
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Senior Advisor
Thomas de Waal
Carnegie Europe
Senior Fellow
Thomas Kalinowski
Ewha Womans University
Associate Professor
Thomas Rausch
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Senior Project Manager
Tilman Lüdke
Arnold-Bergstraesser Institute (ABI)
Senior Researcher
Tobias Scholz
King's College London and National University of Singapore
Doctoral Candidate
Tsedale Lemma
Addis Standard
Una Bergmane
Foreign Policy Research Institute
Baltic Sea Fellow
Ved Pant
Harvard International Relations Council
Viera Žúborová
Development Manager
Vít Dostál
Association for International Affairs (AMO)
Executive Director
- amo.cz/en/autor/vit-dostal-2/
Viviana García Pinzón
Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute (ABI) Freiburg and Institute for Latin American Studies at GIGA
Senior Researcher and Associate
Yannik John
Transformation Index BTI
Project Manager